‘All I want for Christmas is you’ – Bubbaloo Photography – Lois Crawford-Round

Now it’s December it’s totally acceptable to be singing Mariah Carey’s ‘all I want for Christmas is you’ from the top of your voice whilst nagging the children to put their shoes on in the morning and having chocolate for breakfast all before the school run in the snow….. More like wind and rain!

Luckily I managed to catch a dry spot during the day and was able to get my own little girls annual Christmas photos! These two little girls are the reason I found Bubbaloo, and ever since my love for photography and capturing their childhood. All of my photographs are priceless to me and their value goes up as each year passes. Now I get to be involved in helping you all capture your memories and meet your gorgeous children.

Look who we bumped into in the woods, Christmas is especially magic with children and I love how their imagination works!

I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and an extra Christmas wish to all our precious bubbaloo newborns from this year on their first Christmas.

Lots of love,
Lois x

'All I want for Christmas is you' - Bubbaloo Photography - Lois Crawford-Round

‘All I want for Christmas is you’ – Bubbaloo Photography – Lois Crawford-Round

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