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Posts Tagged ‘London Photographer’

Februarys Family Portraits – Bubbaloo Photography

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012

Februarys family portraits were so much fun! When the snow fell on the first week of February we just couldn’t pass up the opportunity for these bubbaloo family snaps. Gabriel was so excited to build a snow man so we took a drive down to Roe Green where we used to live. Luella was safely sleeping in the car as we began to build this awesome new family member. To be true full, Hermione and Gabriel practically built the snow man on their own, while i decided to hide behind the camera moaning that it was far too cold to be outside having fun. I never really done snow men growing up, i preferred snow balls hence the snow ball fight photos at the end 😉 All joking aside it really was a fantastic family afternoon, and we will treasure these photos forever…bring on March 😉



Luella’s Birth Story – Birth Photography Manchester

Friday, February 17th, 2012

Wow i can’t believe it’s been nearly 3 months! Luella is 11 weeks tomorrow, she is every inch gorgeous. We’ve just got around to putting together some of her birth pictures! – unfortunately one of the downsides to having a photography business is our family photos are always the last to be edited 😉 but we have finally done it, so we thought we’d share this magical moment. It has brought back some beautiful emotions looking at them. I was so happy the day she arrived and i love looking at the emotion of when she was pulled up onto my stomach. My mother always said after her 7th child that she was going to miss that high of when you first hold your baby.

Luella blessed me with a wonderful birth. I labored at home in the bath overnight and about 6am we thought it was a good time to go to the hospital. I arrived on the birth centre at 6.40am. They were struggling to find me a room, at this stage i didn’t care, i would of had her in the reception. I just wanted some gas and air!!!

I think they realized i must be close, so they gave me the pool room. I was checked and was 9cm! Luella was born just 40mins after arriving in hospital at 7.22am. She was born in the caul, this is supposed to be very special.

The photos are magical, many of which i can’t share. I am slightly in love with birth photography and currently in the process of making a book for each of my children’s birth. It will include our photos of the birth and my thoughts and their own story. When this is completed , i will blog some more photos from the final product.

Birth photography is magical, the moments captured are breathtaking. I wish i could of seen photos from my own birth!


Newborn Baby Photography Manchester – Paul

Monday, February 6th, 2012

This beautiful little boy was 3 weeks old when we got to photograph him. We got some gorgeous awake shots of paul and managed to capture him yawning! Our newborn baby shoots take between 2-3 hours and can be very tiring for these little models 😉


Newborn Baby Photography Manchester – Max

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

We photographed Max on the 3rd January when he was only 7 days new 😉 Newborn Baby’s normally sleep through our shoots but Max decided he wanted some awake shot’s, and I’m so glad he did!

He has the most adorable little face with the most gorgeous features…I think we have a little heartbreaker on our hands 😉


Newborn Baby Photography Manchester – Elijah

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

Photographing Elijah was a total blessing! He literally slept through the whole shoot and we were able to try out some new shots. I must say, this is probably one of our all time favorites…Enjoy 🙂